Saturday, September 13, 2008

Rock: Awesomeness Defined

The dreaded rhino virus has stricken our household this weekend. Even the adorable little Rock has been inflicted and that has made life a little miserable for the rest of us. Because he is so stuffed up he isn't sleeping well lying down, so one of us got to hold him on the couch until 2am and then sat with him in the rocking chair until early morning. It's hard seeing his little face so sickly, like in this picture:
That was taken when I pulled him out of bed at 1am because he couldn't sleep. Doesn't he look like the sickly children poster boy?
Since we were up anyways, he decided that he wanted to watch some TV. The Blue Ray sunglasses guy really worked his magic on Rock, and he was begging me to get some. I was just about to cave in when the ultimate push-up infomercial distracted him and let me off the hook.

He loves climbing up on the couches and anything else that he can reach. He thinks that he will find some awesome toy up there, like a remote or random wires.
But he gets really mad when he works so hard to pull himself up and he comes up empty.

His crawling is getting better, and so he is able to better stalk things around the house. His latest prey has been the garbage can. He sneaks up on it slowly,
then acts cool if the garbage can looks around and sees him,
then, when the garbage can least expects it he jumps up and attacks with all his fury.
After he's caused massive garbage spillage, he sits on the floor and tries to get mommy to think about how cute he is and forget about the mess he just caused.

The little guy has been keeping up on his workouts this week. He's really enjoying the time that he can put in on the treadmill, and it puts a smile on his face.
But, since the little guy is sick, he spends a fair amount of time chilling on the floor in his little homemade bed.
This next series of pictures were taken at 1:30am when I went in to see why he wasn't sleeping. It's hard to be mad at him in the middle of the night when he is so darn cute.

And the big news of the week is that BYU won its football game. They beat UCLA 59-0!!!!! Rock was pretty happy, and dreamt about the game during his afternoon nap.


  1. videos???? I love all the pictures but since I can't see him I want to pretend he is right here with me.

  2. he's so cute!!! lol he makes me laugh..

  3. He's a cutie. also, do you guys have a chair swing? I don't know if he's too big but Jen's Ryan use to sleep in one and that will help with him not laying down.

  4. How can he look so cute and loveable even when he is sick! Man, that kid is cute and happy no matter what!!!

  5. I agree with mom...videos! :) But he is so darn cute. I will fly out there and hold him so he can sleep. i don't need to graduate this semester anyway....

  6. I can see him as tight end for the Cougs. 2027.
