Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Rock is his mother's child

Some of you may remember back before our lives were blessed with the 'Spoiled One' how much DeAndra loved Whitey's ice cream. In case you forgot, you can take a gander here. Well, it seems that the Whitey's gene lives on, because the little guy was going nuts while DeA and I shared a root beer malt. Just a little warning, these videos might not be that exciting if you aren't a grandparent...

He's still battling a terrible battle with his tiny teeth. They just refuse to break through and provide him with sweet relief. We've been giving him Oragel once and a while, and he seems to like it, although you can tell that it weirds him out a little bit.

Here's a pic of Rock and his beautiful Mommy. Precious.

Rock was looking our our bedroom window and found a little furry friend. He named the squirrel Bullwinkle, just because.


  1. Rock is so cute. I bet your having so much fun.

  2. Shoot, Aaron! You know you won't be having any other kids now. You're using up all your bandwidth on this one!

    Aaah! He's worth it, I guess.

  3. Can we feed him ice cream now? Real food? Maybe you should give him an apple so the teeth can come through. Oh sorry that works better for taking them out.

  4. Rock loves apples!! We put them in a mesh bag and he chews and chews.
