Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Merry Clinic Christmas!!

When DeA and I moved here to Iowa two years ago school seemed like this massive pile of business in front of us. It felt pretty daunting to DeAndra when she wondered how I was going to make it through all the difficult classes like Physiology, Chemistry, Anatomy and Rights and Responsibilities. But this last week DeAndra passed a major milestone in the educational path when I received my clinic badge and coat. Well, I received the badge like six months ago and I bought the coat awhile ago. But I got to hand my coat to my staff doctor who then handed it back so that I could put it on, I then walked onto the stage and handed the badge to another random person who held it up and then gave it back. Then I walked all the way around the theater and stood awkwardly with the rest of my group until there was room to pass by to our seats. I guess it used to be a pretty big deal before they changed the way that students got admitted into the clinic, now it seems like an excuse to take pictures. But DeAndra didn't get to take any since she was preoccupied wrangling Rock. Speaking of pictures, we don't have any of the ceremony, but we have a blurry picture of DeAndra setting up our Rockproof Christmas tree from Grammy Rae and the rest of our lights.
The picture is a little blurry because I was trying to show off the lights, but I didn't have a tripod to steady the camera. DeAndra made me pose for pictures when I got home in my clinic clothes so everybody could get a taste of how short my neck is in a collared shirt covered by another collar. Oh, and Rock is in the pictures so people will pay attention.

DeAndra especially wanted to get pictures of my contemplating 'cool cases, like on TV' so here I am trying to solve the case of lobster boy.


  1. Dr. England, it is starting to look like a reality now. You're doing wonderful. Love ya.

  2. My big bro is getting all growed up.

  3. Yeah! Congrats Aaron! I wish we were done, that seems like FOREVER! Rock is getting so big! So, any big plans for moving back to Rexburg? -Audra
