Sunday, December 7, 2008

Spicy Hot Rock!!

Whoa! Cool your jets! I don't mean that Rock is a little firecracker, but he likes things spicy. He must have gotten that from me, I fell in love with DeAndra because she is spicy hot. So, that's where he got it. But back to my original point, Rock really likes spiciness. So, true story: I walked in the door after a long day at school and poured myself a bowl of Melina's Salsa (if you can find it, buy it. You are welcome) and some Melina's Tortilla chips (Yeah, so it's two things to buy, but they actually taste like real chips and salsa. Better than most of the restaurants where I've eaten here in Iowa. But I guess I shouldn't be holding out hope for real Mexican food in Davenport). I settled onto the couch to decompress from the day's events when DeAndra handed me the phone so I could make a phone call (just a side note: She made me buy life insurance so that she can live the good life after I'm gone. I feel like I just put a bounty on my own head, and I'm pretty sure that secretly she is promising to split the payoff 70-30 to some guy named Guido). I put the bowl of delicious salsa on the card table in our living room and went to the bedroom. Two minutes later DeAndra walked into the room to find this:
Rock somehow sensed that there was awesomeness on the table and used his go-go gadget arms to find the bowl and pull it down. She found him happy as can be and smacking his lips. The salsa isn't some little league salsa either, it comes to play and brings the heat. I guess we shouldn't be surprised since he loves to suck the crusties off of the Tabasco Sauce bottle.

1 comment:

  1. Who got the clean up? I like how he is licking his lips. Maybe he can teach me to like the hot stuff.
