Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Rock and Ryker's Trip to Oregon, Phase I

About two weeks ago we loaded the kids up in the car and headed south to Mama Zista's and Papa Dave's. DeA tried to document the two weeks trip, but didn't have access to the internet...so we are going to catch up over the next few days. This is phase one of our journey into Oregon and back again. We arrived in Central Point at about 3 am and all crashed pretty hard, eventually. Rock was wicked excited and partied into the morning with Mama Zista. The next morning Rock woke everybody up with a rousing rendition of 'Cold As Ice' by Foreigner. That way everyone knew that he was up and ready to go.
Ryker got to try out a new bouncer chair that tricked him into thinking that he was being held. It worked for a few days, and then he realized that he wasn't really being held and wasn't cool with it.
But he was cool with the floor as long as Grandpa Dave was around with attention.
We would have more pictures of Rock, but he was too busy running around like crazy to get his picture taken. The only way that DeA could get him in a photo was to wait until he ran out of gas and crashed on Mama Zista's shoulder.
Rock has a train set that allows him to arrange the tracks in any fashion that he wants. He found out that he can do the same thing with Mama Zista's pans. He almost lost his voice from saying "Choo-Choo!!" so many times.
With all the extra attention from Grandma and Grandpa Ryker was able to chill in his personal hot tub.

Once again, Rock was busy running around outside and then just ran out of gas as soon as he found Mama Zista. He didn't even make it through brushing his teeth.

Rock didn't even realize how much the Junuary weather in Seattle had affected him until he spent some time in the Medford sun. He loved just chilling in the hot, hot sun and enjoying some energizing rays. He's just not sure what he'll do when he returns to the Julember weather back up in Renton.
Stay tuned for more Medford vacationing fun!!

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