Sunday, August 29, 2010

Living Room Rug and a Streaker!!

For our anniversary I got DeA a new living room rug. Ryker was pretty excited about it, and played with it as much as he could. Well, he loved it while it was rolled up, but after it was unrolled he realized that he wanted Mommy's attention more.
Mama Rae, Papa Dale came over to watch the boys so we could go out and Nick came over for the Seahawk game. They took advantage of the time to absolutely overload Rock on sugar.
Yup, that's a chocolate frosted donut with M&M's on it. Healthiest breakfast ever!
I don't know what is going on here, I just know that Rock had just gotten out of the shower. I'm assuming that he was cold, but heaven knows I don't know what goes through that kid's mind.
So, while the next few pictures might look like they were taken at the same time, they actually weren't. Now that he's semi-potty trained he likes to take his Cars skivvies off and run around nekked.
At least here he is looking for new undies to put on.

We finally got some clothes on Rock and Ryker was happy on the new rug, so we took a picture just to remind ourselves later when one is naked and the other one is crying.
Last night we heard the sound of a helicopter buzzing our house. When we looked outside we saw what looked like a search helicopter circling overhead. I opened the door to look at it and heard some rustling in the yard, so I had DeA flip on the flood light. I found three bandits running across the yard with their little masks on. Rock thought they looked more like kitties than burglars.
Rock still enjoys feeding Ryker, and Ryker is starting to enjoy it also...sort of.


  1. I'm impressed that the spoon didn't get shoved down his throat!

  2. Why you so hard on the boy? A little streaking never hurt anybody!

  3. Nice pix of the naked boy and his brother. Took long enough tho.

  4. I love the video. I enjoyed watching Rock's excitement feeding Ryker, and I also loved Ryker's little grin at the end.
