Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Kids

We've given up on potty training Rock, instead we've relegated him to the puppy treatment. DeA doesn't like shovel duty, but it is a mother's dooty.
Mama Rae, Whit and Rissa returned from their trip to Disneyworld and brought the boys lots of goodies.
The boys loved their goodies, and the attention from their visitors.
Ryker is still chubby.
One of the cool pieces of loot was this Toy Story hat.
Rock didn't like it when I tried it on, so he stole it for himself.
Ryker wanted his turn with the hat, so Mommy stole it from Rock. That made Ryker happy.
This week we were invited to a BBQ down by Lake Washington. We thought it would be a good opportunity to cure Rock of his recent hydrophobia.
He didn't want to put his foot in the water, so we took him on the Hilton's boat. That didn't go over very well either. He screamed like Mr. Sissy Pants the whole time, and he wasn't even in the water.
Eventually he screamed all his screams out and just sat and said "bye bye car home" over and over. If only we knew what that cryptic message meant.
Lil' Ryker really enjoyed the boat ride and thanked Brother Hilton by letting him hold him without crying. That's the best gift that Ryker can give.
DeA was a good wifey and took a portrait of the VMAC where the Seahawks practice. They weren't practicing at the moment, but you can imagine what it would be like if they were.
We let Ryker sit and enjoy the lake and the sunset. Sometimes he seems bigger than life.
He's a patriotic guy, and wanted a shot with the flag. Artistic.

With the time to just sit and enjoy nature, Ryker was able to discover some things about himself. One of the biggest things was his tummy. He's not sure how he never noticed it before, since it's kind of big, but he's glad he's found it now.
Suddenly he got this feeling inside that told him that his quiet time was about to end.


  1. To give credit where credit is due, most of the gifts came from Auntie Lindsea. Thanks for all the pictures.

  2. Just give Rock a specific tree/bush to pee on and he will do just fine. Ryker looks like he is learning the ropes pretty well from his big brother.
