Wednesday, September 22, 2010


The other day DeA went running on the treadmill. She wore her yellow Saul Run shirt, and some black capris. After running she was going to take Rock and Ryker to the park, but before she could load up Rock he ran into his room. She followed him, and by the time she got to him he had pulled out a pair of sweats and his yellow Saul shirt. He put on the sweats and then rolled them up till they matched DeA's capris, and put on the shirt. He looked at her and said "My running clothes". Then he climbed into the stroller and wanted to hold Ryker. So he did, all the way to the park.
We're getting a little leery of Rock treating Ryker like a puppy, so we went out and got Rock some new pets!

There's Rock with his two scared fishies.

He helped us put them in their temporary fishbowl, and was super-duper proud of himself. We did have to stop him from shaking up the little goldies.

He likes them.
We put them up on the mantle, away from little boy hands. Occasionally we let Rock stand on the fireplace and feed them, blow kisses at them and scare them gill-less.DeA shot this cute this video of Rock bonding with his new minions.

Speaking of Goldfish, even though Rock has bonded with his goldfishes, that doesn't mean that he can't sit back at church and munch some Pepperidge Farms Goldfishes.


  1. Looks like Ryker is having a better time in the stroller than Rock is. Rock did show his Gma and Gpa's what the fishies were doing....showing off.

  2. I like the modeling look he gives the camera.
