Friday, November 5, 2010

New Bed and Other Stuff

Little Gyker isn't a big fan of baby food anymore.  He's seen Rock, Mommy and Daddy all eat real food, and isn't satisfied with this pureed plums and cat nip anymore.  He wants the real stuff, and he knows when you are holding out.  The other night DeA fed him some spaghetti, and he was all about that.
Rock loves to help Ryker eat, and so he fed him some of my breakfast smoothie...without me knowing.
Some of our friends in the ward were getting rid of their toddler bed, so we swooped it up and brought it home.   That allowed us to put the crib back up for Ryker.  So, now both boys are in the same room.  We were wondering if they would wake each other up, but some people told us that isn't the case.
Those people are stinking, filthy, politician level liars.  As a matter of fact, right now I am sitting in the hallway while Rock and Ryker are taking turns keeping each other awake.  Rock is riding the giant stuffed animal that the same friends included with the bed.
 Ryker is in his crib, but earlier he was playing with all the toys on the floor.
 When he sees Rock start to drift off he crawls over to the bed and slaps him around.
 He loves practicing his responsibilities.

 DeA and I finally got tough and are letting the boys put (read: cry) themselves to sleep.  Ryker keeps referring to his crib as 'the clink' and is constantly trying to work a plea bargain.
 We are making this push for better sleep because not all of us can function on little sleep.  Rock definitely isn't a morning person, but neither is his mommy.  It's always fun to watch them drive each other crazy being the exact same in the morning.
 Oh, looks like Ryker found Rock sleeping, time to slap some wakefulness in him!
 DeA and I are really trying to be healthier, and so we've started running together whenever we can.  Rock will usually sit peacefully in the stroller as long as he gets to run at the end.  Today he ran about half a mile, and with his little legs that's quite a feat!
 As we got ready to go running the other day he told me that he had to go pee.  I told him to go run over to the tree and water it.  Instead I found him here:
In case you didn't notice, he has a cup at his feet that he is trying to fill.  DeA had mentioned that Ryker was thirsty, so maybe...
Rock is still working on his career path. He's pretty sure that he'll be a professional athlete of some sort, he just isn't sure what. He's been working pretty hard on his goal scoring and, more importantly, his celebrations.

He also has been sparring with Ryker. He knows that his face is too good looking to go into wrestling or MMA, but it's good to have the tough side. Rock and Ryker are so interesting, that they could punch you in the face and you'd feel the need to thank them.

PS - That is also what it looks like when Ryker wakes up Rock.


  1. They finally worked!! So cute. I was just thinking I've seen them every weekend the past few weeks and am feeling a void with no little ones.

  2. Great kids! Glad they can help each other get through the night. Rock does a pretty good job feeding Ryker. DeA did a nice job getting Ryker to "express" himself.

  3. Way to go on the running! I bet it's cold in the mornings, which always makes it hard to get out the door. You know, the Seattle half marathon is in June...!
