Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Catch Up Time

Everytime Rock sees me put on a tie he asks to wear one, too.  I can't bring myself to putting a tie on such a young and innocent young man, but DeA went out and bought one for him.  He was pretty excited to put it on.
 If only he could get that pesky top button done...
 Come on!!  You stupid little button!!
 He finally got his stylin' tie on, and was all ready for church...
 or baseball, whichever happened to come first.
 Last Sunday was the coldest day in Renton, and it also happened to be the day that our furnace went out.  So thanks to our home teachers and Dr. Petett we acquired some firewood and hunkered down for the night.
 Ryker thought that the fire was super awesome, but he didn't understand why Mommy didn't want him playing in it.
 Rock loves to watch DeA get ready for bed at night, and he really loves the flavor of the new floss.
 I'm not sure that he's really using proper flossing technique, but he really likes to suck on it.
 We've also learned that he can show off his acting range.  Here is his happy face:
 His Blue Steel face:
 His surprised face:
It's almost like he enjoys attention.


  1. The kid chokes me with that tie and top button. If he only knew how in later years that would be his noose. He looks ready for prime time acting. Surprised you didn't steal any pix from Jen's Turkey Bowl shots. Can't believe there were no close up action shots of Ryker.

  2. Aaron in the background making every face for Rock to copy, like he's Aaron's puppet.
