Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Our church building is right next to the Factoria Mall, so after an activity the other night we shot on over to enjoy the mall. Ryker liked riding the mall pony.

We took Rock to Cold Stone to enjoy a $.49 kid cone. He chose bumble gum, because it was blue.

As he got closer to the end of his cone he started scouting out a new flavor. He kept asking for some green, but mean old Daddy-O said no.

The mall has a hurricane simulator, and DeA thought that Rock would like the loud noises and the strong winds. She liked it.

Rock wasn't as thrilled as she thought he'd be, and asked out immediately. Then he sat there crying and yelling "MOMMY!!"


My parents were getting bored with an empty, quiet house, so my dad came over and stole Rock. While Rock and his grandparents partied, DeA and Ryker came down to the Puyallup Fair with me while I worked the chiro booth. Papa Dale finally brought Rock back on Tuesday. We met at a local Mexican restaurant to make the exchange, but Rock wanted to negotiate some terms.

Meanwhile, little Ryky got pretty used to the peace and quiet of a Rock-free house. He was free to roam and drool on whatever toys he wanted, and he slept better than he has before.

Look, he's so peaceful, so serene. Now he's back to being jittery and nervous that he'll get smacked in the head.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Saturday, September 25, 2010


The other day Ryker was reading some old blog posts before nap time. As he was drifting off to sleep he thought about how cute the baby was in all the posts. During his nap he had an epiphany (don't worry, Ryker didn't know what it meant either. Click here for the definition): That baby wasn't him! He remembered that he'd never lived in Iowa, he's never been to Macey's house and his name isn't Rock!
He demanded to know why Rock had so many blog posts all to himself, while Ryker had to share all of his posts. He even threatened to call one of his grandmas to demand that they intervene.
He went and found Rock's favorite rubber block and tried to gum it to death out of frustration.

He was so mad that if you didn't know he was mad you'd think that he was super happy and learning to almost pull himself up on stuff.
Well, by now he was happy, because Mommy was about to come in and pick him up and let him munch. Our little baby Gyker is usually happy, unless he's not getting attention.

Here is our little Ryky trying to climb. Adorable.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


The other day DeA went running on the treadmill. She wore her yellow Saul Run shirt, and some black capris. After running she was going to take Rock and Ryker to the park, but before she could load up Rock he ran into his room. She followed him, and by the time she got to him he had pulled out a pair of sweats and his yellow Saul shirt. He put on the sweats and then rolled them up till they matched DeA's capris, and put on the shirt. He looked at her and said "My running clothes". Then he climbed into the stroller and wanted to hold Ryker. So he did, all the way to the park.
We're getting a little leery of Rock treating Ryker like a puppy, so we went out and got Rock some new pets!

There's Rock with his two scared fishies.

He helped us put them in their temporary fishbowl, and was super-duper proud of himself. We did have to stop him from shaking up the little goldies.

He likes them.
We put them up on the mantle, away from little boy hands. Occasionally we let Rock stand on the fireplace and feed them, blow kisses at them and scare them gill-less.DeA shot this cute this video of Rock bonding with his new minions.

Speaking of Goldfish, even though Rock has bonded with his goldfishes, that doesn't mean that he can't sit back at church and munch some Pepperidge Farms Goldfishes.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Life with the Boys

So, this is happening most of the time. Almost all the time for number one, while number two still finds its way into his pants, especially when we are loading up the car for church. DeA bribed him with a donut for every time he pooped in the toilet, and I think he popped a blood vessel grunting and pushing on the pot the rest of the day.
The other day Ryker was minding his own business on the floor when Rock gave him a new hat.
Ryker humored him for a little bit, and even pretended that he didn't know that the hat was there.
Finally, Ryker pretended to be shocked and appalled at his hat. He put on his best "what the deuce?" face.
Papa Dale and Mama Rae came over to visit on Friday. I had to work the booth at the Puyallup (pew-al-up) Fair all Saturday afternoon, and so Mama Rae couldn't pass up a chance to eat some fair corn on the cob. They watched the natives Friday night while DeA and I went on our date. The little guy loves it when they babysit, because he gets all sorts of chocolate and sugar treats that we keep from him.
"Mmm...forbidden donut..."
While doing the laundry the other day DeA asked Rock to help put some shirts away. He seems to think that meant to wear them, so he did. He's very obedient like that, but was also very warm wearing six t-shirts, three pairs of underwear and two shorts.
So, we've already talked about Ryker's hat, but we haven't really gone into detail on Rock's 'loves' that he gives Ryker. Well, Ryker has decided that he's not going to take this laying down, so he finally armed himself.
When Mom and Pop England went on their cruise to Alaska (oh, you didn't know that they went on a cruise? Click here for some details) they bought Rock some Moose slippers. He never really knew what to do with them, until recently. Now he loves to wear them to bed, but it makes it hard to lock him in his cold, dark room at night when he's flopping around in those cuties.
EVERYBODY HAPPY!! It's nice to see a picture where at least one person isn't crying.
Finally the time arrived to head off to the fair. Rock and Ryker were locked and loaded in their stroller, and looking forward to the animals and the fried butter battered with Twinky crumbs.
Mama Rae got her corn and Rock got his chicken kabob. Mmm...forbidden kabob.
Ryker tried to get some kabob, but his mommy said no, so he checked out for a little bit.
After loading back into the stroller, Rock somehow managed to steal Papa Dale's hat. Apparently Rock's a huge supporter of Cliff Courtney.
DeA had to go to church early today for a meeting, and so Rock and I were left to ourselves. I grabbed a pair of pants out of the dryer for Rock and let him put them on himself. I then went off to put together his snack and to get my clothes on. As we were walking out the door I realized that the pants I grabbed him weren't necessarily the ones I wanted. Can you tell why?
Yup, Ryker's pants fit Rock around the waist, but are just a little bit short. DeA thought it was the second funniest thing of the day, right behind my singing of the hymns.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

We know that we have two cute, adorable little boys. We always thought that Ryker looked like someone famous, but it wasn't until these pictures that I realized who he looks like.
Any ideas?
Did you guess it yet?
Winnie the Pooh!

And then I thought back to another picture and the similarities are outrageous!

Rock is famous, too, but I'm not allowed to post pictures of his celebrity look alike.

Oh well, I can always use this picture again:
Yeah, can't post anything to go with these pics either.
But hey, he's really cute when he's asleep and not destroying stuff.

The boys are also working on their comedy routine, and I'd say that while they are hilarious, they sure do have some work to do.