Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Ad or able

"Huh, what you looking at?  Yeah, that's what I thought."
Little Wyker's hair keeps getting longer and longer over his ears, so he looks like Craig T. Nelson from Coach.

This was on Sunday, 30 seconds before we walked out the door to church.  He still doesn't understand why he couldn't take his tractor to nursery or why the hat and glasses didn't get to go inside the building.
So, yeah, Rock got his annual buzz cut.  This time it went over a whole lot better than the last time.
I personally think that the haircut helps him sleep better, but Mommy thinks it's the boots and hat.
This morning the boys and I hung out and watched Toy Story.  Rock had to go grab his Buzz and Woody, and Ryker had to try and take them from Rock.
For the most part Rock was a good sport, 
but then sometimes he wasn't and Ryker thought about landing a round house punch to the face (or he was thinking about flying off of the couch like Superman, I'm not sure).

1 comment:

  1. So Ryker is ok with long hair but not Rock? They are cute either way. Don't see the problem with the tractor/hat/glasses. Mornings with two cute kids, priceless.
