Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Rock's Evening With Dad

Rock and I spent the afternoon together while the gals were working. We settled in to watch some Toddler SportsCenter together, but Rock instead showed the trick he learned from watching Grappy Dale watch TV.

Then I put Rock in his highchair for dinner and left him there while I was making his delicious Mac and Cheese (by the way, spend the extra ten cents on Kraft. It is worth it!)
Rock got a little bored waiting for his yummy dinner, so he started looking around to find something to hold him over. So I turn around and find him chowing down on a Cadbury Egg.

Where did he find it? I'm not sure, because I looked for them earlier and couldn't find them.
Then Rock and I decided that DeAndra's blood pressure has been a little low lately, so we cut his hair!
DeAndra wasn't as excited and appreciative as you would have thought. She had tears, but not of gratitude.

Doesn't it look sharp? The only problem was that he kept finding random hairs all over and trying to eat them. He's going to cough up a hairball like a kitty cat.
Speaking of cats, do you know what the dog said to the wisecracking cat?
Answer: You've got to be kitten me!


  1. Did you cut his hair without permission? Doesn't look like he is too happy with it either, he didn't smile in any of those pictures.

  2. DeAndra, he will always grow back. I do like it a little longer, but that might be because my kids at that age had very little hair. But no matter the length of his hair his face is still the cutest one around.

  3. He looks like a little stud with that haircut. you ain't cool unless you cut your hair like that.
