Monday, February 14, 2011

Birthday Month Rolls On!!

Rock woke up the other day and asked DeA if it was still his birthday.  She told him that his birthday was over, and so he called Mama Zista to tell her that it was all over.  At least he is still adorable.
He's gotten so many new cool toys and Cars cups that he can't even keep them straight.
Ryker is starting to wonder when his special day is coming, but he's cool about waiting it out.
Even though Rock thought his birthday was over, Mama Rae and Papa Dale wanted to watch him blow out his candles.

Even though Ryker isn't getting the birthday attention, he is still quite a bit of attention.  Streaking is one way to keep the attention level high.
Having a cute smile is another way to get noticed.  Smiling while streaking is just showing off.
Rocko has been going to bed like a champ lately (thank goodness!  Now we just need to work on him sneaking into bed to snuggle at 2 am) and Ryker has discovered that he gets Mom and Dad all to himself after 9ish.  He really, really loves that Rock-free attention.
His little smile does wonders to get him noticed.
When everything else fails, he knows that getting into stuff and making noise is sure fire for attention.

1 comment:

  1. What a shy birthday boy. Nice to notice he isn't as full of hot air as his Daddy. Ryker looks like he will be a drummer with a bunch of groupies with that smile and rhythm.
