Saturday, July 9, 2011

Blog Spill

Alright, we've got some ground to cover, so let's get going.  Ryker is cute, but he's starting to know that he's cute, but people don't seem to mind that he knows that they know that he's cute.
 The 4th of July was this week, so Rock taught Papa Dale how to make homemade ice cream.
 The trick is in the salt.  You need good salt.
Ryker's been rolling in his sweet ride.
It's got a different style of roof, but he doesn't seem to mind.
We all went to watch Rock watch Cars 2 after the BBQ.  Rock wasn't as impressed with the show as we thought he would be, and kept saying that he was bored and wanted to go home.
As if that wasn't a full enough day already, we went down to the lake to have a potluck and watch the fireworks.
Pretty nice night, no?
Rock liked the fireworks a lot more than the movie.  He did keep asking if the fireworks were going to land on him, but otherwise loved them.
And he especially loved cuddling with Mama Rae as the night started getting cooler.
Everyone was pretty tired the next day, so some naps were taken.  Ryker wakes up from his naps a lot happier than Rock ever does.  He's not as cute now that his hair isn't sticking up, but he's still adorable.
As soon as he wakes all the way up he really gets going.  He likes to show of his adorableness. 
The boys have been spending quality time outside in the sunshine.  We have really had to tone down their time in the heat since they don't like coming inside.
At least they don't get too dirty.
Yup, clean as a whistle. 
The boys did not like the idea of going inside to takes baths.  Rock tried to hide in the woodpile, but his bright blond hair wasn't good camouflage.
 Ryker tried to claim that he needed water before he could make it inside to the tub.  Lots of water.
I told you they didn't want to come inside.
I can't tell where the tan ends and the dirt begins.
 Meanwhile, back at the office...We picked out a color that looked blue gray on the swatch, but was definitely lavender on the wall.  We called it the Aunt Lesa Room (she's the one in the middle, and notice the color of the house behind them...).
It's kind of hard to see, but it's definitely purple.
We went to the building supply and picked out a more solidly blue blue.
Rock asked me to post pictures of Nick and I at Bear Mountain Golf Course from this afternoon.  He wants Papa Dave and Aunt Windsey to see how cool it looks...
Then they can come visit the golf course and see him at the same time.  Win-win!!


  1. I love the picture of Rock and dad at the dock. I can't wait to see you guys in a couple weeks!

  2. DeA told me about what Rock said at the golf course when you tried take him home hahaha What a champ!! -
