Sunday, July 3, 2011

Call Me a Liker, I'm a Fan of Ryker!!

Lil' Ryker's hair has continued to grow into Sideshow Bob size.  But it doesn't stop him from cuddling with the couch pillow during his nap.  Look at those cute little cheeks.
 Mama Rae got home from Arizona today, so we trimmed Ryker's flowing locks of golden sunshine.  He sure did a lot better than Rock ever did.
 As long as he stayed distracted he did just fine.  Once he realized what he was doing he would fuss, but only a little.  He's a champ. 
 Rock kept trying to 'help' Mama Rae with the hair cut, so Uncle Nick distracted him with binoculars out on the deck.
 Aw, look at the cute haircut.
 Now he is more aerodynamic, and that helps him during takeoff. 
 Rock was pretty excited to get some new toys and a ranger hat from Zona.
 He asked me to take pictures of him in his new hat, just to make sure I had one.
 We have adorable boys.  That's because they don't look like their daddy.

1 comment:

  1. Cute and stubborn...not sure that is a good combination but they seem to be making it work.
