Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Gameday In Corvallis!! Part I

DeA and I loaded the little guys up in Flipper and took off for Corvallis on Friday afternoon.  Oh, and how awesome is it to be your own boss and just take off because you want to?  Pretty darn awesome, that's how awesome!  Well, we have other, cooler pics on the camera.  But, I don't have the camera, so everyone text DeA right now and remind her to upload the camera onto the computer.  Well, we gots what wes gots, so here are the game pictures that I have on my phone.  

Saturday morning we went to the Cougar Club tailgate party at the stake center in Corvallis.  We ran in to Peggy and Aron (not pictured: Peggy and Aron) and their kids.  Rock noticed that other kids had their faces painted with Cougar colors, so he had to join in the fun.
Ryker wasn't on board with the face painting, so he sat disapprovingly while DeA got a paw print of her own.
Rock was pretty excited all morning.
One of the coolest things was he got to meet his (new) hero, Cosmo!  He was so thrilled to meet Cosmo that he wouldn't look at me for the picture.  (ed. note: I don't know what that kid is doing in the background, but he looks like he's having a good time.)
Notice how Cosmo's shirt is tucked in but Rock's isn't?  Guess who else noticed and tucked his shirt in the rest of the day...
Ryker wouldn't let anybody but DeA or I hold him...except for Cosmo!
The boys did great the first half (and those pictures are on the camera, so text DeA again) and then crashed the second half.  
Spoiler Alert: Cougs Win!!  Cougs Win!!
Uncle Jim was there to help us rush the field!!  Cougs Win!!
 Remember how I said that Ryker wouldn't let anyone but DeA, Cosmo and me hold him?  Yeah, he's got some learning to do.  I would say that he'll figure it out one day, but his uncle Nick isn't setting the greatest example...


  1. Great pix, fun times. Nice dig at Unc Nick.

  2. Ryker has the BEST expressions! Looks like a fun day.

  3. Glad you guys had fun! I posted a pix of you guys on facebook at the tailgating party. It was so fun! We had more photos too but we're trying to get Aron's phone fixed that he sat in the hot tub with...
