Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Internet At the House Means Catch Up!!

I finally unloaded the camera's pictures and uploaded them using our awesomely fast internet.  I forgot about most of these pictures, like Rock's massively oversized helmet.
 The boys really love their bomber's jackets.  Chicks at the local VFW love them, too.
 I finally learned where women learn to worry about fitting into dresses:  DeA stressed out all month over whether or not Jens would fit in her dress.  She fit and Ryker almost did too.
 She looked like a little doll, just like her mommy.
 Look how cute she is!
 Rock especially loved her headband.
  Our little darling.
 Yup, I warned you that there were tons of pics on there.
 The boys are still loving their big yard.  Ryker especially loves running around bottomless.
 They put on a good show for Mama Zista and showed her all the parts of the lawn.
 Ryker showed her how he can spill water everywhere.
 "He he he, water..."
 He loves his dress clothes.  He also said that he wants to be a 'white worker' like Daddy (forgetting the word collar).

 Mama Zista and Papa Dave went for a ride in the helicopter.  Rock did his part by marking the landing spot.
 Of course the boys wore their bomber's jackets to fly.  That's what they have them for.
 I have been looking for little kid's aviator shades, but so far haven't had any luck.
 Look at this picture while humming the MASH theme in your head...poetic.
 Papa Romeo always puts on a good show.
 Jens spent the hole time sleeping in her seat.  I love how much she sleeps.
 A couple of girls didn't go up in the chopper, so they guarded Jensley and Bubbles.
 Ryker rode between Rock and Mama Zista.  The constant white noise, the warm air and the comfy spaces overcame the little guy and he crashed...hard.
 Even Papa Dave couldn't wake him.
 Lil' Rock is always awake and alert during a helicopter ride.
 Rock really loves just staring out the window and checking out the pretty scenery. 
 It was a perfect day for flying.

 We have a bajillion pics of Jensley.  I tried to eliminate the ones that looked exactly the same.
 Her dark hair is starting to fall out.  I am betting that it is lighter when it comes back in.

1 comment:

  1. What a bunch. Jens was just beautiful and didn't even fuss. The boys are always a blast
