Sunday, October 21, 2012

Jensley and Soccer

 Jensley is adorable.   There, I said it.  Now deal with it.
 Even with her scarred head she is still our favorite daughter.
 "Yeah!  You're darn right I am!"
  Um, yeah.  She has been doing this and variations of this waaayyy too much lately.
 She loves watching DeA work out in the mornings and is looking forward to joining her one day.
 Rock's first soccer game was this morning.  Watching 22 preschoolers/kindergartners play soccer is like watching kittens fight over one ball of yarn.  Here we are going through our pregame warm-ups. 
 They start out well, but then the attention spans starts to fade.
 Speaking of attention span: Rock wore his Buzz Lightyear costume as his soccer uniform. Oh, and he followed around this girl named Isabella the whole time. 
 She's in his class and apparently they play at recess together all the time.
 Occasionally he would chase the ball, but he got distracted easily.
 Here he is actually running away from the ball to try and find Isabella.
 In this shot he thought he heard someone offer free tamales.
 Here he is chasing Isabella.  He calls her Captain Isabella because they pretend that one of the playgrounds is a ship.
 Herd of cats chasing the other cats.
 We ended up winning 3-2, but the second leg is next Saturday at 11:30.


  1. I am impressed your soccer players actually run - even if it isn't always after the ball. When our kids first started playing, the whole team just wanted to dig holes in the dirt!

    p.s. - Jensley truly is adorable.

  2. I love four year-old soccer!!! I love Rock's uniform-perfect for soccer success :). I agree with Shannon. Jensley is ADORABLE!
