Monday, July 29, 2013

Summer Party: Science Edition

After two long, lonely weeks I was finally able to fly down and pick up my family.  DeA and I went on a lunch date while the kids got some last minute fun in with Papa Dave and Mama Lisa.
Dave has a backyard driving range that the boys spent a lot of quality time on.
Rock just had to take me to the ScienceWorks Museum.  As you walk in there is a robot that explains the exhibits and shows.  He had to listen to the whole talk.
He ran all over the place hustling to show me all the cool things.
They had tubes with air that blew the wiffle balls all over the place.  Jens loved walking around with the basket and feeding the balls into the tubes.

This bike let you turn on the light, the fan, a radio or move a train in the ceiling.  Rock loved it and we loved letting him wear his little legs out.
The bubble room is probably the kids' favorite, they got to play with bubbles, make a mess and Mom couldn't say anything because it was all in the name of science.

Rock loved sticking his head in this cutout thing.  He normally hides from pictures, but this time kept asking me for more pics.
They had a giant rope jungle gym for science that kids got to play in.
Isn't science fun?

Jens eventually had enough science and checked out for a while.

Maybe you noticed, maybe you didn't, that Ryker wasn't in any of those pictures.  That's because he chose to stay home with Mama Lisa and cuddle.  He wasn't too happy about our return home.
The boys love helping Papa Dave make their playhouse.  I think helping is the right word...
They did a good job of marking stuff up with pencils, drilling screws in random places and measuring anything and everything.

They even helped pull the trigger on the nail gun!

Mama Lisa brought Jens out in the stroller to watch.  She really wanted to help, but since she had just taken a bath, didn't have shoes on and is a girl she had to watch (just kidding!).

They really are hard little workers.

We drove home Saturday afternoon which gave the kids a chance to swim one last time.
I guess you could call the trip a big success, at least the kids think that way.

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