Saturday, July 6, 2013

Summer Spectacular Catch Up Post!

Summer is always so very busy and that makes it hard to upload the pics of the kids being awesome.  We love summer because our raspberry/strawberry patch is giving us delicious fruit.
 Jens is a master at finding colored raspberries and chowing them down.
 "Nom nom nom"
 Papa Dale came over to help us harvest some berries.  Ryker was a big help.
 Ryker discovered sidewalk chalk this summer and decorated the concrete around my office.
 Jens loves drawing hopscotches, too.
 I came home from work one day to find the kids drawing 'hopscotches' all over the driveway and DeA painting her nails.  Summertime! 
 Warmer weather gives Jens the opportunity to find her bellybutton and play with it.  She likes playing with her bellybutton. 
 The ward scheduled a dinner/church grounds cleanup activity with one of the Hispanic sisters making delicious carne asada with homemade tortillas.  Summertime!
 We left right after the activity and met up with Uncle Nick in Seattle for a Mariners game on Saturday.  The game was a typical M's game and the kids were not thrilled with their poor plate approach, terrible fundamentals and overall suckiness.
 "Perez threw that 0-2 fastball where?  WHY DOWN THE MIDDLE?"
 At least they found the cotton candy and popcorn. 


 The seats that Nick scored were in the shade on a 90 degree day in Seattle.  Pretty awesome.
 We pass a road on our way home that reminds us of our good friend Jacqui Young (her maiden name is Tinkham).  DeA finally remembered to take a picture of the sign.
 The perfect hot weather has given us plenty of time to play outside and enjoy the new patio.

 The office sponsored the Manson fireworks show which put us into a drawing for a tour of the barge on the 4th.  We met Daryl (or Darren or Dave, we can't come to a consensus) who has been living the dream for over 20 years.
 Papa Dale came to see the awesome explosives and help with the kids.
 Jens seemed to like the fireworks and the Oreo cookies.
 Kiwanis changed their chicken BBQ to the 4th instead of the Sunday after which made it easier on us but harder on Papa Dale.  Ryker really liked the baked beans and lemonade.
 He also likes making funny faces for the camera.  Summertime!

 We eventually made our way downtown to Killian's property to enjoy the perfect evening.
 Jens loved the show and said "Ooooh!!" and clapped after the big booms. 
 I worked Thursday the 4th and took the 5th off.  The boys helped me clean up the yard and trim the rose bushes.  Then Rock fed the roses some delicious fertilizer.

  Ryker helped me bathe the roses in fungicide and insecticide.  Those things aren't as delicious as the plant food.  Summertime!
 He's pretty proud of his award winning roses (the award was given by his mommy, but that's still an award).
 Jens spends much of her time in only a diaper.  She will wear clothes when she wants to, but if she isn't in the mood for them it is hard to dress her.
 The Stutzmans (Stutzmen?) have been offering for us to use their beach all summer and we finally were able to enjoy it on Friday.
  It took Rock a long time to get all the way wet.  He preferred to play with the older boys and make sandcastles and sand-batcaves.

 Ryker fell asleep on the way down to the lake and slept for almost four and a half hours. 
 That kind of ruined our plan to wear the boys out in the water and sun and instead made him even more hyper and energetic.

1 comment:

  1. Summer just started so expect more awesome pix of the critters.
