Friday, February 14, 2014

A Journey to South Carolina: Getting There

The kids had different ways of preparing for our trip to see the Youngs in South Carolina.  Jensley colored pictures of a Seahawk.
 Rock made sure his muscles were rippling and huge.

Ryker slept and played Mario.  We left the office right after work on Tuesday and drove to Seattle.  We finally got the kids to bed just before midnight and then woke them up before 5am to catch the shuttle.  The kids didn't handle that sleep schedule very well.

 Finally we made it on the plane and to our relief had open seats next to us the whole way (amazingly people would rather sit next to a fat guy than a baby).  Jens was stoked to have her own seat and yelled to the pilot to light the candle.
 Papa Dale let us use his iPad so Ryker was set for the trip.
 Rock had the Surface and hours of TMNT and Phineas and Ferb.
 Jens had her own seat and she decided to use it in whatever manner she deemed appropriate.
 Rock is like a little ant that can't move fast enough...unless he is on a moving sidewalk.  Then he has to chill, relax and draw airplanes while the rest of us wait for him.
 On the way down we had three kids and only two headphones.  Jens finally had her chance to listen to the Frozen soundtrack over and over and over...
Rock chose five minutes before landing to take a power nap.  That nap sustained him for the rest of the day and into the next.  The kid is not human.

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