Saturday, February 15, 2014

Journey to South Carolina: Friends and Gators

 If the boys aren't a superhero they are a ninja, and if they aren't a ninja they are a froggy.
 Ninja Rock had a great birthday filled with cupcakes and Chuck E Cheese pizza.
 Ryker didn't really like the cupcake (probably because he licked the frosting off before biting into the cake part) but he did love Jacque's frosting.
 Rock loved the attention and the presents.
 Ari loved having a younger sister to play dress up with and Jens loved having some pay attention to her at all times.
 Pretty princesses.
At Cyprus Gardens we all loaded into a boat and hunted for alligators.
Jens decided that she liked relaxing in a boat while being rowed around the swamp.  Being a swamp princess could be a pretty good way of life.
We were starting to worry that we wouldn't see any gators, but then we spotted one!
Ryker was impressed.  You can't tell by his face, but he was impressed.
Just a couple of swamp boys huntin' gators.

After the swamp we went in their butterfly enclosure and chased them all over the room. Then the nice helper lady gave them food for the fish.
They had a glass beehive to let you see how fiercely those little guys work.
From the gators we went to the beach and let the kids get sand EVERYWHERE!
Holy crap, there was sand in the car, in their ears and even in clothes that they didn't have at the beach.
We even found sand in clothes that were left here in Washington.
No joke, my computer at work had sand in it this morning from the beach.

The gals took the princesses to the Chick-fil-A playground while they enjoyed their delicious chicken, waffle fries and ice cream.

Ari liked not being around boys.
It's hard to take a good picture of something that will never, ever stand still, but here is the best we could get of Princess Jens.

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