Monday, June 23, 2014

All Summer All the Time

The office has definitely been prettier lately, probably has something to do with this beauty hanging around.
 Speaking of beauties, Jens has been taking tips from her brothers which may not be a good idea.
She loves to be in the middle of whatever is going on.
With summer in full swing I finally had a chance to head out to Bear Mtn. with Nate and an unidentified acquaintance who may or may not have had permission from his wife.
Again, maybe it isn't the best thing that Jens is getting advice from her brothers.

"We may as well have a stupid puppy!"
Joe Cool and Rico Suave have been up to stuff this summer, some good and some that their mom doesn't need to know about.
"Whatever, as long as they aren't pooping on the front lawn I don't care what they're doing"
"Candy for breakfast!"
Ryker has started his summer tradition of going pedal to the metal until he literally collapses.
Rock has been tinkering with a snap electrical set that he received for Christmas and has done a great job of learning how to make a circuit with a fan.
 All go until the sudden stop.
Lake Chelan Winery had their annual falling cow festival but there wasn't enough room in the chopper for Captain America so we distracted him with a four-wheeler ride with his mother.
Meanwhile Joe Cool has the bomber jacket and aviation helmet all ready for the bombing.
Jens loves 'Hampa' time.
"And you love Tensley time, right Hampa?"
Rock has reached the fantastic age where he loves sports and right now it is baseball. He loves hitting and pitching and wearing the uniform.
Did I mention that his sister loves to be in the middle of everything?
She sure makes for a cute lil' tomboy.

"A tootie home run!"
What a cutie. Dirty face and all.
At times Rock can get a little...bossy, but overall we have lots of fun.
The following few pics are just cuties of Jens playing with her brothers.

At one point the boys were trying to find the ball that I launched into orbit but she didn't have shoes on. She stood at the edge of the grass watching them worried that they weren't going to find the ball.

A postgame bowl of Golden Grahams hit the spot.
After baseball Ryker wanted to play hide and seek. This was Jens' favorite hiding spot.

1 comment:

  1. Of course Hampa enjoys Jens time. The are a fun group. You missed Rock's sleeping pix and Ryker driving the tractor. They are fun.
