Monday, June 30, 2014

More Summer

The boys took turns coming with me to work on my half day. Rock wore his brand new work shirt and perfectly ironed pants.
He loves testing out the equipment and making sure that everything is working well.

After patients he wanted to go business golfing.
I'm worried that the boys think I spend all day playing Lego Batman and golfing instead of seeing patients.
After my business time with Rock we met up and took Ryker and Jens to Lakeview while DeA received a massage.

The food and ice cream was pretty good.
The carport has turned into a play area and Bubbles has been relegated to the street.
The redneck roots are strong in these kids and they enjoy redneck fun.
Jens and Huddy alternated between loving the ride and being scared out of their minds.

Jens found a better spot for her to enjoy the rides.
Ryker loves getting his picture taken, but he doesn't love smiling like a normal person.
Yeah...that's not normal.
Um...Oh boy...
Last Saturday was the Saul run and DeA busted out her PR in the 10K.
The timer initially shouted out a time twenty minutes slower than her real time (I have no idea why he did that...) and she was disappointed
But when she found out her real time she was pretty proud of herself.
Jens was proud of herself, too.
Ryker still loves baby Jaguar.
They re-dedicated the memorial after it was remodeled and everyone walked up there for the dedicatory prayer. 
Don't worry, more summer is on its way!


  1. Love that picture of the cousins in the scoop - or whatever it's called :) Congrats to DeAndra!
