Sunday, December 28, 2014

Christmas Season!

It's a day after Thanksgiving tradition to decorate Mama Rae's fake Christmas tree. Ryker was very happy to see the bright lights come out of storage.
  You can tell that we aren't a tall family.
 Papa Dale had the privilege of flying in Santa from the North Pole. We went down to meet them by the Building Supply. 
 It was below 20 but the kids were more than excited to see Jolly Ol' St. Nick in Grandpa's helicopter.

  Obviously they were pretty excited when the chopper arrived.

 All of the excitement wore DeA plum out.
 Jensley has become something of a cowgirl lately, especially when the brothers are gone/asleep and she can ride without their interference. 
 But sometimes she doesn't slow down enough to rest, which leads to a total collapse by the front door from time to time.
 Every night before bed she locks herself in the bathroom and says "I doing my eyes" then she comes out with interesting eyeliner designs. 
 Lil' Rock might be growing up too fast.
 Ryker asked Mama Rae for a scard and of course she delivered. He has almost worn that thing out after only a few days. He wears it everywhere and freaks out if he forgets to grab it.
 I don't get to keep many pictures of her, but DeA is looking as good as ever.
 The ward had a nativity with over 100 different sets along with cookies. We were assigned an hour to attend which meant Ryker had some quality DS time.
 Homework consumes Rock's life, it is amazing how much homework they give first graders.
 A few days ago the kids wanted pancakes for dinner and demanded that they be allowed to help. So I lined them up and let them help cook the pancakes. But when it came time to clean up the mess from their "help" they were no where to be found.


  1. When I read your posts, I get tired, ha. And I think the tree decorations are perfectly placed ;)

  2. They are such an active bunch. Fun to see their lives documented.
