Monday, December 26, 2016

Saturday Afternoon Lights

Recently they started a tackle football league for 3rd graders. It was a big learning experience for Rock but he was super excited to show off his agility.
He wasn't sure that he liked playing and even tried to convince  his mom that he should quit. Thankfully he stuck with it and eventually got to show off his skills at the community potluck in front of the entire town. Jens was nervous for him.
Ryker wasn't nervous, but hydrated for the both of them.
Rock was pretty proud of himself. They also were the halftime show during a high school game. He decided that football was pretty awesome.

I've been translating at times during church on Sunday. Jens enjoys sitting by me and listening to me on the headphones. 
Sometimes the kids act like they love each other. Usually that's while they are asleep.
This is how Ryker washes his hair. Epic.
Jens finally had her first day of school. She didn't want us to drop her off and somehow DeA went for that. We walked her up to the bus with the other kids.
Ryker wasn't as excited as Jens, but that's because the joy of school has been beat out of him.
There she goes, off to school.
MAXIMILIANO visited me at work, he's always fun.
Jens is still giving herself bunny ears in pictures.
She wanted to ride in the back of the pickup on the way home from Janet's. That's only a 1/2 mile away from the house and she still crashed in the warm, cozy sunshine. 

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