Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Weirdest Fall Ever

This fall has been weird. School has been mostly online. DeA loves the kids, but she needs her routine.
After what seemed like forever, Jens got to go to school a few hours a day. She was pretty excited. 
The weather this fall has been crazy. One minute great, the next minute windy and cold.

Halloween is going to be weird this year, but the kids still want costumes.
Ryker ordered his costume and had it delivered to the office. He came in with me to do his Zoom classes and to watch for the UPS guy.
He wasn't very patient.
Thankfully his costume showed up right before I went to the gym. Wacky inflatable waving arm guy came with me to get jacked.
He wouldn't take the thing off.
Jens was the cutest little witch ever. 
It was nice, I didn't have to carve a single pumpkin.

It was nice to have Halloween on a Saturday. We stopped by Maddy and Josue's and grabbed Chechei. He came with us to the church Trunk or Treat.
Ryker started about three weeks after Jens. He wasn't quite as excited as Funshine.
Jens and Ryker were back in school part time, but Rock still had to be online. That meant that he could come to work with me and walk to get breakfast and lunch.
Leo never goes to school, so he begged to come, too.
He's basically a floor mat.
Fall is definitely here and in full swing.
The Funshine and Rock wanted to go to Don Morse and do some sick tricks on the half-pipe. It was gnarly. 
It's still fall, even if it looks like winter.
If you ask DeA, it feels like winter nine months out of the year.


1 comment:

  1. I loved your kids' costumes this year! I also absolutely love Jens' nickname of Funshine
