Monday, January 10, 2022


Rock knows the true meaning of Christmas break: sleeping.
He probably learned it from his mom.
We had a great Reindeer Game with about a dozen hearty players, plus Jacob and Jamison who quit after about fifteen minutes because it was too cold.
Mom got her present early to help her make her traditional homemade pizza. 
All the boxes and stuff seemed to unsettle Leo, like he thought that we were packing to leave him. He was very, very needy. 
We would wrap presents for a bit, and then go hang out at Mom and Dad's with baby Luca.
We decorated cookies.
Leo even managed to get some frosting on a cookie.
Marissa had her traditional loud and messy games to play. 
One game involved a big tub of cool whip, which Leo found and ate.

Leo didn't understand the game, but he knew he liked it.
No Christmas even party would be complete without a visit from the big man himself!

"Hey, aren't you Euan?"
"No, I'm Santa, not that rakishly good looking guy, Euan"
I made a joke about blocking the basement door so that the kids couldn't come see their presents, and it became something that the kids insisted on us doing. We heard them bust through the paper at 5:30am.
They were so excited to open their socks.
It took a little bit for Mrs. Claus to wake up.
Mom and Dad came over to enjoy the mayhem. Leo liked the attention from Mom.
Rock got fancy snowboarding gear
Ryker picked up a lot of cooking stuff, like a Master Chef apron and utensil set.
Grandpa got a mini torch.
Ryker spent the rest of the day making rolled ice cream, crepes, and other assorted goodies with his ice cream maker thing and utensils. 
Baby Luca was happy to be along for the ride.
Well, he was mostly happy until Aunt DeA tried to lick the nacho cheese off of his head that she spilled.
Both of them worked hard today and deserved their naps. 


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