Sunday, August 3, 2008

Rock Unleashes His Fury

I know what you are thinking, what is with this white shirt? This is the sleeve of Orie Browne, who was nothing more than an innocent bystander who wanted to hold sweet baby Rock before priesthood on Sunday. Poor Orie didn't know the fury that was about to directed his way.
The story of Rock's Sunday of Mayhem starts at 2:58pm on Sunday, as I was finishing my Sunday School class. DeAndra left Rock at my feet and left in a hurry to 'get to class'. All too soon I would realize why she suddenly had to 'get to class'.
3:03pm I have left class and carried Rock, his carseat and five Preach My Gospel manuals down to the chapel where Orie saw Rock and asked to hold him. I obliged, and Orie's sleeve will never be the same because of it.
3:04 I notice that Orie has a bright yellow spot at about the level of Rock's tush, and so I walk over and quickly realize that things were much worse than anyone could have imagined. The smell was so very potent and so amazingly crappy.
3:05 I learn at the worst possible moment that there is no changing table in the south Men's room of the Stake Center
3:06 I learn at the worst possible moment that we only have three baby wipes left in the diaper bag
3:10 I finally decide to cut my losses and load Rock into the carseat and bring him home. I give him a bath and change his clothes just in time to get back to the chapel to pick up DeAndra
4:02 Tender Noorda walks up to Rock and shakes his hand for pooping all over Orie. It turns out that poor Dr. Browne had to teach priesthood with a yellow sleeve and a wad of paper towels under the spot to avoid skin contact with the icky poo.

In other Rock news, the guy is still super mobile. DeAndra left him for a few seconds in the bedroom and he quickly slid under the bed and tried to surprise her.

This is his impression of a giant mutant lizard terrorizing a bedroom.

Just like his mommy and rainbow trout he likes bright, shiny things. He loves his cellphone.


  1. Is that his cell phone he is chewing on? so sweet. i miss you all.

  2. Better he learns now how to hide under the bed, to avoid getting roped into moving/cleaning something for the women folk.

  3. thats is my cell phone i proudly gave him. :)
    i miss him.. and you two too. haha
