Sunday, August 31, 2008

Rock the Awesome!!

Rock is continuing his reign of awesomeness. He is continuing his mastery of real foods by dominating vegetables (he hates them) and oatmeal (loves it!) but he's not a big fan of the bib. As soon as you put it on him he pulls on it
and yanks on it
and talks smack about it's mother
and tears at it until he pulls it off. He won't be happy until he gets that pesky bib off of him.
And the little guy is still working on his domination of crawling, but he's making some serious progress. His biggest problem is that he is just an overachiever and tries to crawl up on his toes. It looks more like a bear crawl than a normal crawl, and the little guy just doesn't have the core strength to move around in that position. But he's working on it, and like Rube Baker once said, "there's no odds against being yourself, no matter what the oddsmakers say".
One of his passions lately is technology. There's a song about it that DeAndra sings for him:
"Oh, he loves technology, but not as much as Mommy, you see.
But still, he loves technology. Always and forever".

Here he is playing with my laptop. Thanks for the help with the keyboard.

Here's another shot of his battle with crawling.

Of course his biggest passion is sports. Watching the Olympics these last couple of weeks has inspired him to fine tune his mad athletic skills (which he got from DeA, by the way). Here he is playing basketball. He plays above the rim and dunks straight down. I just hope he doesn't get used to it, because something tells me that height won't be his friend in life.

Then there is his favorite pastime, being super adorable!!

1 comment:

  1. he is so dang cute!! i love that last has it as the background, i cant wait to see you guys!
