Saturday, February 13, 2010

Choo Choo!!

Rock is loving his birthday presents. He got a sandbox from Gma & Gpa Judd (but due to the Oregon sunshine he hasn't been able to play in it...stupid rain) and a train set from Gma & Gpa England. Three days in a row I've woken up to Rock standing next to my side of the bed and whispering "too choo".

We are constantly preparing for Ryker/Stryker Ramon/Boulder/D'M'trius, and part of the preparation is to help Rock get excited for the little attention stealer to get here.
He pretends to like him now, but we'll see how much they get along when they are fighting for attention.
Isn't she radiant?
"Mommy, when you have a new little baby, can I play football with him? I mean, he can be the football, right?"
Rock is going through a little cuddling stage right now. Not really cuddly, but extra cuddly on Rock standards.

He loves watching the youtube video of his favorite Gap commercial, Derek not so much


  1. That GAP commercial is poison to my ears.

  2. Yogi Bear, Jetson's, Underdog, Sponge Bob even...but that commercial sounds like the first steps of indoctrination. While Boulder may rock his world, I'm sure he will be the bestest big brother anyone could want.

  3. Keep him in the cuddling stage if it includes anyone besides his mom. I'm coming to cuddle and I WILL BE BETTER!!

  4. At least it's girls, he's not looking at little boys.

  5. Marissa took the words out of my mouth.
