Monday, May 21, 2012

New Baby and No Internet...

No internet (yet, but it is coming) and a new baby mean that it is hard to sit down and update this thing.  So, to hold you over I've uploaded some pictures from my phone.  They are cute and adorable, so don't whine too much.

Rock's futbol phase may be transitioning into a real football phase.  
He loves running around in Uncle Nick's plastic helmet.
He told me that he doesn't need a facemask.  I asked him why and he said "people tell me I look like Daddy, and that mug doesn't need protected!".
Burger Barn is finally open, which means I keep coming home to a blue tongued beauty with bubble gum flavor on her lips.
Jensley had a doctor's appointment and Rock fell asleep in the car on the way into Chelan.  Not knowing what else to do, DeA dropped him off at the office.  He immediately woke up and wanted to watch cartoons.  Ruth hooked him up with a blanket and a Hawaiian Punch.
The boys love Jensley sooooooo much that sometimes I just let them take care of her.
Here is Ryker's attack face.  Here he is reverse attack facing Whitni.  He loves attack facing people.
 Jensley is a wonderful little sleeper.
 DeA took me to La Brisa, with only Jensley, for lunch the other day.  She wanted bubble gum fried ice cream, but the wait staff told her she may have a problem.  She respectfully disagreed and tossed the table.
 Every parent worries that his kids don't put themselves in danger enough.  Luckily Rock helped us out by learning how to climb the lattice under the deck.
 And then he taught his little brother how to do it also.
 But at least he's helping Ryker climb, that way they'll both get hurt instead of just one.  Awesome.
 Jensley is even adorable when she is awake. 
 That's either a smile or massive gas.  I think it was gas, but her mommy thinks it was a smile.  Jensley's diaper agreed with me.


  1. Very cute. It's cracking me up that Grandpa Dale is just watching the boys climb! :)

  2. These are great kids. They are developing just fine, need some more motorcycle jumps but the climbing helps with the risk factor.

  3. The 4th picture up looks like Ryker is on a velcro wall haha
