Thursday, May 31, 2012

USA! Baby!!

Is anything more patriotic than wearing bomber's jackets and blowing crap up?  USA!
Rock doesn't think so.  USA!
And neither does Ryker.  USA!

 Blowing crap up and going fast!  USA!!
 Jensley did her part by blowing up a handful of diapers.  USA!!
  And scars.  Chicks dig scars, so Rock got himself a doozy.  USA!!
  No Memorial Day would be complete without homemade ice cream and Rambo headbands.  USA!!

Dad took DeA and the boys to the cemetery to pay respects to Grandpa and Grandma England.  USA!!
 Dad always leaves apples on their headstone.  Ryker started a new tradition of eating their apples.  USA!!
 We miss you, Grandpa Leo.  I can't believe that it has been seven years already.  USA!!
 Family pic!  USA!!
 Smothering Jensley with kisses!  USA!!
 The boys kept getting in trouble for jumping on their headstone.  But I can't help but think that Grandpa and Grandma were just glad to have someone playing with them.  USA!!
 Group shot!  USA!!
 USA baby!!
 USA while standing on Grandpa's headstone.  USA!!
 US of freakin' A!! USA!!
 USA!!  USA!!  USA!!

1 comment:

  1. USA! great theme and great subjects. Fun times with the crew.
