Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Picture Catch Up!

I finally remembered to take the camera over to Papa Dale's and Mama Rae's house.  These are the pictures that were on the camera:

This is how Ryker flexes his giant, rippling muscles.
He's starting to dig his sharp talons into your skin when he gives his attack faces.  It has drawn blood more than once.
But it's all cool, because his jokes are hilarious.
Rock found a Guitar Hero axe and now loves to rock out.
He's woken us up more than once with a serenade.
I had forgotten that we moved since I last posted pics from the camera.  We are renting a house with a view of Slide Ridge and the mountains.  DeA loves the living room the best.
I did a BBQ for Get Fit! Lake Chelan hoping to bring new people to the office.  Nick and Rock came hoping to bring new grilled meats to their bellies.
Rock also made sure that the strawberries were delicious.
Ryker keeps wearing himself out trying to keep up with his big brother.  Lucky for him Mama Rae is always there to cuddle him when he crashes.
The other night Jensley blew out her outfit and the only replacement we had was this dress.  She looks all dolled up with no where to go.
And you knew there was no way we could leave her there without the boys finding her and giving her 'loves'.
They really love their little sister.
She does pretty well with their 'attention' and usually doesn't cry.
When she does cry Rock always says "oh, she wants her big brother".
Ryker loves to buckle himself into his car seat.  Look how proud he looks.


  1. Cute kids. I think Ryker deserves to be called by the right name when he buckles himself in all by himself

  2. What beautiful kids! Enjoy this stage. It goes by too quickly.
