Thursday, May 28, 2015

Apple Blossom

Apple Blossom is probably the only tourist weekend that I look forward to every year. We start out with DeA busting her tail at the Pig Jig. While we waited for her to finish the kids annoyed Max from the hospital.

Dad's friend Bob Sacamano Bill Worth supplied him with a miniature version of Whirly. The smaller kids loved to make it go up and down.

Dad and Nick smuggled water guns for the parade, and of course we had to try those suckers out.

Ryker almost figured out his helmet. Almost.
As always the parade was a lot of fun, with Rock riding his bike, DeA and I throwing candy, Ryker and Jens playing in the mini-chopper, and Papa Dale spraying people with water.
 This year we bought 15 bags of Costco so that we didn't run out this year. We threw the last bit of candy to the last kids on the route.
 The line between kid and adult gets pretty blurred during the parade (Photo courtesy Nick's facebook page).

It's an early morning and a busy day that can wear out even Duracell Rocko.
After a rest we enjoyed the beautiful day on a walk to Grandpa and Grandma's.
DeA was pretty festive with her bow and Apple Blossom sweatshirt.

Ryker doesn't like smoke in his eyes, but he also doesn't like having to move location. Those two things wage a battle that results in him crying because smoke gets in his eyes.

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