Saturday, July 4, 2009

Trip Update Part 5: Washington

So, Rock and DeAndra made it up yesterday, and they made it just in time to take some test attack runs in the Apache helicopter (also referred to as a Robinson R44's not actually an Apache attack helicopter, I just named it Apache). Dad took us up over Lake Chelan with Steve and Judy's kids.

After the high-intensity bombing runs, Rock settled in for a little 4th of July Eve BBQ. He was pretty excited to have a little picnic table that fit him perfectly, and used it to munch down.

After dinner Rock and Grammy went for a little walk in the forest...
and she showed him her latest investment in grandchildren spoilage. He was pretty excited, but you can hardly tell from the pictures.

"Whoo...after all that excitement I think I'm a little tired"


  1. its good to see mom's hard work of putting the playset together paid off. i miss him but it looks like fun!!!

  2. FINALLY!!! Posting with Rock. That is what this stuff is all about...gpaDE
