Sunday, July 19, 2009

Trip Wrap-up: The Lost Oregon Files

While I was trampling through the jungles of Honduras saving lives, Rock was hanging out with his Grandma and Grandpa Judd. There were promises made by somebody, we'll call her DeAndra E., to post pictures on the blog so that her husband could see them. Those promises were never fulfilled, so I am posting them now. Enjoy them.

Rock found out that he was going to the park with some ladies, so he asked Grandma Lisa to sharpen his look up a little bit.

Here DeAndra is pointing kind of in the direction of Jack in the Box...I still don't understand why she didn't go.

DeAndra had her first baby-doctor appointment for Pebbles/Stone (gender pending) and they did an ultra-sound so that we could see her/him. So, they send these waves into DeAndra's uterus that bounce off of things and reflect back to produce a grainy image. Then a random radiologist takes a mouse and lines up the cursor that is about 1/16th the size of the image and drags it in a semi-straight line over the grainy image and the computer pulls up a random number and calls it the gestation age. In this picture Pebbles/Stone is allegedly 7 weeks 3 days old, and I'm SURE that the computer can't be they are pegging the due date at March 3, 2010.
In case you are wondering, graduation is February 26th, 2010, and so I am sure there is no chance that those two events would ever interfere with each other.


  1. Great pix of Rock and Stone/Pebbles. Surprised you didn't mention anything about Rock's clean sweep with the broom. With our without that great hair cut, he is a handsome dude. GpaDE

  2. I thought it was gonna be Boulder.

  3. UMMM...sharpening up his look for WHAT ladies?! Macey had no plans to be in the park that day...

    (And what happened to Boulder?!)

  4. He knew Macey wouldn't be there, but he needs to practice being awesomely smooth around chicks so he can win Macey over.

  5. Congratulations on young Stone/Pebbles! That is very exciting!

  6. Just so everybody knows, the only earth formation that our child will be named is Brook. And, due to popular demand, if it is a boy then it will be named Boulder. I didn't realize that Boulder was so popular. Stone will just have to wait. Thanks for the comments!!

  7. Um... I did not write that comment. Aaron re-wrote it. Boulder will not be an option for the name of the new baby!!!!!!

  8. Marissa, Boulder's AuntJuly 26, 2009 at 12:24 PM

    I like Boulder!
