Saturday, July 18, 2009

Trip Wrap-up

Rock was worried that we didn't wrap up our trip properly, so here is one part one of two of our ultimate trip wrap up. Rock really wanted to make sure that we saw the pictures and videos of his little hottub/drinking fountain.

This one isn't so much about Rock as it is about Linz trying to deny the truth.

Rock wasn't happy with the paucity of four wheeler pictures, so he insisted that I find some more. I was happy to help.

After rocking it on the four wheeler, he sat down with Grammy and munched some delicious Lay's.
The only time he slept the whole trip was from 1am to 1:15am on the couch. I think it was precious but DeAndra had other words for it.
All too soon Rock had to board the plane and fly home. He did get to enjoy a delicious chocolate covered pretzel that Grammy bought him.

As soon as he got home he jumped on the horn to tell everybody that would listen how cool the trip was.


  1. Now these are what blogs are all about. Much better than some pirated soccer video...GpaDE

  2. hes talking so much! im happy rock enjoyed his trip. i wasnt too worried, i knew mom would spoil him. -whitni

  3. haha I'm excited for you guys, and I wish I could see you sooner!
