Thursday, January 28, 2010

Cellphone Rock

Every once in a while I realize that I have pictures on my cellphone that I've forgotten about. So, they get posted randomly and in no chronological order. This first one is Rock quietly and calmly leaving Grandma Lisa and Grandpa Dave's house. Very orderly.Rock loves nursery. He is so excited about bubbles that he is trying to fly up to the wand. His hands are flapping pretty fast.
He also likes to chill in what he calls 'the chair where mommies sit and gossip' and munch on some fake eggs. He thinks they taste better than when Daddy makes them.
He likes vacuums, and so do the other kids. It makes clean up a little easier since the kids love to push the small vacuum around.
"Woo hoo!! My turn!!"
DeAndra isn't a fan of repeatedly bending over to care for the kids because of her cute (but big) uterus. But she has no problems stealing their Teddy Grahams and fruit snacks...
When the bubbles come out, the kids get screechy.


  1. I'm so glad he is liking nursery again. I will have to remember to get the bubbles out in our nursery. I'm sure our 2, count them 2, kids will love them.

  2. Ha there are bubbles in the nursery mom. And that was way cute, Dea's belly is so cute!
