Thursday, January 21, 2010

When Rock Runs out of Gas...

...He crashes hard. But at least he crashes with his hat and Taco Bell dog.
Or he sleeps and dreams of giant boxes of powdered donuts.
When he does wake up, the first thing he does is ask for a 'nack. He has to rock the hat, glove and shoes, even at 6 am.

Rock likes to play on the stairs, and one of his favorite games is football. He'll stand on the top and throw the ball down to me.
Then I throw the ball back and see if he can catch it. He can't.
Today he was playing on the stairs with DeA, and she wasn't happy about losing so she launched him all the way down. Now when you ask him what happened on the stairs he says 'poom, poom poom' and winces. It's cute, but of course he won't do it on camera. If he doesn't start performing on camera, DeA is going to launch him again.

In nonviolent news, Rock has added a new weapon into his arsenal: The leg sweep.


  1. He sleeps like an angel. He plays like a boy. Fun kid.

  2. He's adorable and has quite the fashion sense.
