Friday, June 18, 2010

Giant Shiny Spears!!

Our lil' baby Ryker (or baby Gieker to Rock) recently had a run in with these guys after he called their loin clothes 'weak sauce'. They got a couple of good jabs in before he disposed of them with a kung fu chop. Lucky for him the jabs were absorbed in his ample thighs, and double luck that Mama Rae and Whitni Anne (Superman) came over to visit. He let Grammy snuggle with him while he aired out his battle wounds.
He just chilled all day and let the dogs cool down.
We found out that you could brighten his day by asking what he did to the fairy loin cloth wearers.
Ryker is also lucky that he has the support of his 'big' brother. I use the term big loosely, because according to the doctor Rock only weighs about six pounds more than Ryker. Also, Rock is in the 20th percentile for height and weight, while Ryker strikes at 95% on both.
Ryker was also 95th percentile for drooling, and both were 110th for in both personal cuteness category and the beautiful Mommy category.
This is the boys practicing for their portrait when they own a law firm or bank or something.
Finally the wounds healed and he was able to soak his self in the tub. Ah...sweet relaxation.
Rock offered to let Ryker sleep in his crib with him, but Ryker wasn't ready to give up the freedom of his swing for the confines of the crib.
Rock and I had enough time to watch Argentina roll over Korea in the World Cup today, and then he decided to walk his pet soccer ball through the house.
After I left for work DeA tried to get the boys to cuddle with her on the bed, but they wanted to pose for more adorable pictures.
Finally DeA pulled out her secret weapon: She bundled the boys up and loaded them in the stroller for a walk. The dreary, gray Seattle weather put the boys to sleep, and then she just parked them in a parking lot while she went home for a nap. She slept like a charm.
In other news, DeA and I continue our weight loss quest. We are keeping track on the right column, so you can hold us accountable if you want.


  1. So, who is aspiring to be the bald man? Spencer had a run in with the shiny spears yesterday too! Ahh, the sixth grade physical...

  2. I don't know how you stand such cute boys. Ryker sure is showing some of his own style to rival Rock's.

  3. According to the last picture you are having the save type of weather as us. Will it ever be sunny. But then you do live in Seattle.
