Monday, June 14, 2010

Rock and Roll

The other day Rock found my old guitar and started strumming the strings.
This is cool! With three cords I can learn to write songs, and then I can learn to serenade chicks!
No, but seriously, chicks dig guys that play this? Wow, they are total suckers.
Meanwhile, Ryker continues to his climb into total adorableness. His climb is going very well.
Tuesday morning we woke up to sunshine and warmth for what felt like the first time in the history of Seattle. Since moving here we've realized that we are like Superman, and we get some funky high off the yellow sun. All the sunshine gave us energy to exercise, and even Rock got into the action.
All the sunshine, playing and exercising wore little Rock right out. He went to bed cuddled with his Mickey Mouse helicopter from Mama Rae.
After Rock goes to bed it's bath time for baby Ryker. He really enjoys his lil' mini hot tub.
And he especially enjoys his tickle time.


  1. Rock doesn't need no stinkin' guitar to woo the ladies. Ryker has that look of distruction on his face.

  2. Ryker is adorable, I love the little chuckle in the bath!
