Sunday, May 15, 2011

Apple Blossom!!

We started Apple Blossom off with the traditional pancake breakfast.  They had sourdough pancakes this year, but that's not why Whit's face looks like that.  It looks like that because she is chewing, in case you were wondering.
 Rock loved the blueberry pancakes.
 DeA was giddy all morning for the parade.  She likes receiving attention, and a parade is a great way for her to get it. 
 Nick was a big fan of the all you can eat style of the breakfast, and tried to talk Javier into getting his money's worth also.
 Rock's favorite part of the breakfast was putting syrup on the ham.  It was kind of like a honey glaze, but more of a Mrs. Buttersworth glaze.
 Unfortunately the Seattle weather followed me over the mountains.  Rock wouldn't let his spirit be dampened, and flirted with a little girl until she lent him her umbrella.  Normally DeA doesn't condone his womanizer ways, but it was raining hard and she didn't want to get soaked.
 We almost didn't go through with our plans of having kids in the back of the truck, but rock and his cousins were undaunted.  They demanded that they were allowed to ride in the rain.
 My mom and DeA helped make the sign for the truck, and Brian Kenck put up the side boards.  The key thing was to have cute kids doing cute stuff.
 They did a great job of waving and throwing candy.
 The hard hat was so big on Rock's head that it acted like an umbrella. 
 Colby didn't even notice the rain, or his runny nose.
The kids ran out of candy, but still waved their little hands off (pic from  They were adorable.

1 comment:

  1. Any float is a good float with cute kids! Was a fun day even with the rain.
