Friday, May 6, 2011

Things...They be Changing

Our little family is in the middle of some pretty big and fun changes.  We are moving from Renton to Manson and we are opening up our own practice.  But, even with the changes some things are staying the same.  One of the fun change is that we will be spending more time sitting in breakfast nooks eating yogurt on a beautiful sunny day.  One of the things staying the same is that DeA looks radiantly beautiful in the sun.
Another change is that Rock will be playing trains on more hardwood floors, instead of the tile that he's used to.
Ryker loves playing trains, too.  Well, he mostly loves playing trains, but he doesn't love getting the trains ripped from his hands and thrown across the room.  Mommy can be so mean sometimes.
Our little Ryker is growing up so fast.  Just look at those chubby little cheeks and bottom lip while he sleeps.
Ryker and the boys have been dealing well with the changes of moving, and they even helped pack up the backyard.  The only problem was that they are easily distracted and kept playing with the toys that they were packing.

"I don't want to put the golf balls away, and I don't think that you want to come here and make me!"
"That's what I thought."
"Papa Dale come over and helped a ton by watching the boys, packing and moving stuff and mowing the lawn.  But he couldn't have properly done the lawn without Ryker pointing out where he should mow.
"That'll do, Dale.  That'll do."
Ryker is also thinning out quite a bit from where he was a few months ago.  His chiseled abs are becoming less and less covering in baby fluff all the time.  It must be all that running and wrestling with Rock, because the boy can put away the food.
DeA packed up the house and my dad put them in the truck and trailer.  Meanwhile, Rock spent most of the day warming up his muscles by flexing them for all the ladies to enjoy.
Eventually the flexing stopped and the moving began.  The boys sure do make a good moving team, with Rock doing the lifting and Ryker doing the pointing.
Ryker also got to do be in charge of the fruit snacks.

Rock is a huge helper and manhandled the massive cushions just like an ant manhandles a giant sugar cube.
Eventually we had some of the stuff loaded into the truck and trailer and moved it on over to Manson.  Rock loved the sunshine and the four wheeler
My Dad and I came back to try and finish up the rest of the move.  We loaded the dump trailer as much as we could, and then let Dad drive it over.  Good thing we aren't hicks, right?
Papa Dale got a new helicopter for his birthday, a nice two seater.
The boys took some sweet flights in their new bird, and no one got tossed out the window (yet).
Papa Dale even broke out the headset so that Rock could talk to ground control.
"Alpha Bravo Tango niner, requesting permission to buzz the tower."
"Permission denied Alpha Bravo Tango niner, land your chopper"
"We'll see about that!!!"
The control wasn't thrilled about Rock buzzing the tower, so they made him co-pilots with a greenie fresh out of flight school.
Eventually Rock convinced the new guy that he could just sit back and enjoy the buzzing.
"That was so cool, man!  I think I landed a duece in my diaper!"


  1. Yay!! I can't wait to see you guys next week!

  2. They are a hoot! Happy to be their wingman anytime.

  3. You are right, Dea does look radiantly beautiful in the sunlight !:) I am so excited for you guys!
