Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Birthday Party Fun!!

Rock used to like birthdays, but that was when he was younger and thought that they were all for him.  Now he realizes that he isn't the one getting all the attention, and he's not cool with that.
 "Don't look at me unless you are going to give me presents!"
 Ryker could tell from Rock's reaction that it wasn't cool that neither of them were the center of attention.  He was not okay with it at all.
 He started to come around to the idea a little bit when Chayo brought her delicious chile con carne, refried beans and rice.  
 He does a pretty good job of getting things in his mouth, but he can still make a mess like the best of them.
 Rock loves Chayo's food, too.  He even liked the spicy chile con carne, but not as much as the rice and beans.
 He threw down the food so that he could scarf some of the sweet strawberry cake.  
The cake was gone in no time, but once he realized that strawberries are fruit it wasn't as excited to eat the giant strawberry in the middle.
 You better believe that the Ryker loves himself some cake.  He used the spoon and his other hand to shovel it into his mouth.


We couldn't keep Rock away from the cake, and had to keep those little puppy dog eyes away from his grandparents or Chayo.
After eating Ryker decided that we needed an after dinner show, so he obliged.
"First, I'm going to perform a little thing I like to call Dueling Pecs.  It's kind of like dueling banjos, but instead of playing a song I'll bounce my pecs."
"For this next one I will need a lighter or a lit candle.  I like to call this one Blue Darts Abound"
"Now we'll all just sit around and admire my rock hard abs."
"Yes, I am always this adorable.  Why?  Did my mommy tell you something different?"
"Well, I don't care what she says, look at me now and tell me that I'm not adorable!"

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