Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Boys and the Lake

They weather hit 90 degrees yesterday, so the boys went to play at the lake.
 They were excited to see that there were still lots of throwing rocks to be tossed into the water.
 DeA doesn't like Rock's hat since it covers his adorable face. 
 Ryker hasn't turned into a hat guy yet, so we can still see his pink, adorable face.
 "Hot enough for ya?"
 There's a good picture of his face.
 The heat was so much that Ryker just dunked himself into the water.  It felt good, but he still freaked out a little by trying to run all the way up to the car.
 "Ahh...much better." 
 "Is it cool if I just hang my clothes here on the branch?  I'm just gonna let my pecs air out a little bit."
 Rock saw that this was turning into a sexy photo shoot, so he decided to crank things up a little bit.  Water helps the muscles glisten.
 DeA tried to get the boys up to the car by herself, but Rock wanted to take some time to smell and water the flowers.
 Even these beautiful white flowers in the grass.
 Oh, and the rocks, too.  Rocks need water, according to Rock.

1 comment:

  1. The Beach Boys just need a little background music and they could do an old Frankie/Annette movie. Chamber of Commerce should be so lucky to have this great of subjects.
