Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Little Cleanup and Catch Up

The local news rag The Mirror has a story about Rock's big race and the rest of the Trax events that we enjoyed this past weekend.  Click here for their story and a sweet picture of Rock shooting out of the gates. (Note: For those that aren't sure how links work, I mean to literally click where it says "click here" in the last sentence, not the "click here"s in this sentence.  You're welcome Grandmas and Grandpas)
Here is their slideshow with a great picture of Rock fixing his 'running' socks at the 1:30 mark.  It also has pictures of Rock's friends Cole, Olivia and Finn along with others.  Warning, there are way too many pictures of dogs in that slideshow, so it may not be suitable for all audiences.
See what I mean?  There were like a bajillion more pictures of dogs then there should've been, but it still had some good pictures in there.

I think we mentioned briefly before that Aunt Lindsea made the boys jetpacks to wear around the house.  Well, this adorable video has two (2!) views so hopefully we haven't discussed this yet.  Either way, here is the video again.

We had FHE last night with Mama Rae and Papa Dale, the Elmers and the Volles.  Rock was the main show and serenaded us with his hit single "Baba Baba Mama Gooy"

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