Friday, February 24, 2012

Ryker's Birthday=Rock's Meltdown

All the birthdays in February have come and gone.  We've had lots of cake, including Mama Zista's cake that Rock helped me bake and frost.
He was pretty proud of his 'Balentime's Cake".
He especially loved testing the frosting on the cake.
The boys played Frisbee golf to celebrate Ryker's birthday and did a good job of not chewing on the rubber balls at the end of the controller.
They really loved turning off the lights and watching the bright colors in the air while having their shirts unbuttoned like a capo.
For lunch on Ryker's day we went to Company Creek for a pizza party.  Ryker always slurps down his chocolate milk well before the pizza arrives.
He likes chocolate milk.
A lot. He likes it a lot.
Nick and Travis helped keep the boys in line by showing them how to play video games and getting chairs for the little ones.
Ryker loves exploring the pizza place and even found a pedestal to stand and sing to the other patrons.
Later that night we had a cake party at Mama Rae's and Papa Dale's house.  DeAndra made some super awesome Elmo and Cookie Monster cupcakes.  Ryker tried to taste them all.
For the most part he succeeded in licking every single one.
Ever since Rock started wearing my dress socks as 'pants' it has been harder to find socks before work in the morning.  To help eliminate this problem I bought him some real long johns.  It worked perfectly because he hasn't worn a single pair of my socks.  The only problem is that he won't take the long johns off, ever.  He'd even bathe in them if we'd let him (but we don't).
We thought that the long johns and a toy truck would help mitigate Rock's jealousy due to Ryker's whole day of attention.  It didn't work and as the night went on Rock got more and more cranky.  He completely lost it when Ryker opened his presents and Rock had to ask permission to play with his toys.  He went kicking and screaming into the van while yelling at the top of his lungs. 
He did everything he could think of to escape from his car seat to the point that I had to tighten it down as far as it would go.  That made him even more mad.  One good thing that came from his meltdown was that he wore himself completely out and was a sleep in no time.  That was almost worth the fireworks.
Meanwhile Ryker was pretty happy with his musical Elmo.  As I laid him in his crib he kind of started to wake up and then mumbled "Elmo.  I want Elmo".  As soon as I put Elmo in there with him he went right back to sleep.  The next morning when he woke up he found Elmo and started giving him kisses while saying "awe, Elmo...awe, Elmo" over and over.  It was stinking adorable.
All in all it was a happy birthday for our not-so-baby Ryker.


  1. It was a great day to share with all of you,even a tired Rock.

  2. It seems like it has only been a couple of years since Paul was delighted to find "tickle me Elmo" in his stocking... glad to hear almost everyone had a good day! ;)

  3. Haha maybe you should celebrate Rock's birthday second so he has that fresh on his mind?! They are adorable though!
