Sunday, February 5, 2012

Wabbit Hunting With Wock

Hi everybody!  I'm Rock England and you're watching "Wabbit Hunting".  I'm your host, Rock England and this is my sidekick, Harry.
 The first trick to hunting wabbits, or big bad wolves for that matter, is that you need to wear your hunter orange.  That way no one mistakes you for a deer, even though deer have antlers and look like deer.
 The next thing you need is your trusty gun.  I prefer a .45 caliber rubber band gun.  It not only takes down the prey, but it also helps you pack it out.
 I cannot stress how important it is to wear Uncle Travis' motorcycle helmet, or an equivalent.
 You'll notice that Harry is also wearing a motorcycle helmet, this one of the CHiPs variety. 
 Welp, that's our show for today.  Now we are off to go shoot hunting.  Wish us luck, and remember: Deers don't look like people, but sometimes mean people look like deer.  Good night everybody!


  1. Now that should be a hunter safety video!!!

  2. Rock is blessed with a rich imagination - and lots of people who love him enough to play along!
